Providence Velvet Comp Compressor Pedal VLC-1
As the name suggests, the Providence VLC-1 Velvet Comp provides smooth, lustrous compression. An attack time control makes it possible to match the compression to a range of playing styles from arpeggios through long sustain to crisp chording. The Velvet Comp's wide sustain range gives it extended sonic versatility, delivering outstanding performance whether used as a limiter, as a strong compressor, for clean sound, or with drive.
The VLC-1 offers standard Level and Sustain controls as well as a variable Attack control.
The Velvet Comp also features Providence's proprietary "SCT" bypass circuit - In standardÒtrue bypassÓ circuits the instrument signal passes through two switch contacts when bypassed. The VLC-1 Single Contact True Bypass configuration ensures that the signal only passes through one switch contact when bypassed, for unmatched signal quality as well as reliability.